After significant bushfire regulation changes, this homeowner replaces his brushwood pool fence for a modern VogueWall with stunning results.

The owner of this property in the Sydney needed to replace a 17 metre brushwood pool fence. The home is located 20 kilometres to the northeast of the Sydney CBD, in an area that is at significant risk of bushfires in the summer. For this reason local government has introduced regulations prohibiting the installation of brushwood fences on local properties.
Council regulations also stipulate that the boundary walls of residential properties must rise to a height of at least 1.8 metres, while the position of the original fence adjacent to a swimming pool made the installation of heavier structures inconvenient. The replacement wall thus had to meet the difficult challenge of being tall enough to satisfy council height requirements, yet still light enough to permit installation at the edge of a pool.

According to the homeowner, the VogueWall supplied by ModularWalls was the only product he could find that satisfied the challenging requirements for this particular project. A traditional brick and mortar solution would have been much too heavy in this case, given the close proximity of the boundary wall to the pool installation.
The VogueWall was light enough for effective installation at the edge of the pool coping, and avoided the need for extensive strip footings required by masonry structures. In addition to satisfying the functional requirements of the project, the client was also very pleased with the aesthetic effect of the completed wall. The client reported that the wide columns of the VogueWall give it a very substantial look and feel, much akin to that of a traditional masonry structure, while the smooth grey exterior provided a visual complement to the tiles of the pool coping and the trunks of nearby gumtrees.