Design Trend – Timber Batten Feature Walls

  • 2 minutes
  • 16 March 2023

Exterior design trends have welcomed us into a more raw, natural realm. Following the heightened appreciation of textures, natural finishes and raw materials, timber batten feature walls have well and truly taken off within home design.

This gorgeous feature adds warmth to an area and can soften hardscapes where planting or foliage may not allow for a variety of textures. The eye-catching vertical pattern adds a contemporary, geometric feature zone for any space, and works best against block colours that offer a contrast to the colour of the timber.

Choosing your timber

The range of grains and stains available can seem never-ending; whilst this is great for creative freedom, it can also be overwhelming. When choosing the right hardwood timber, take into consideration:

  • If the feature wall needs to be strong or structurally sound
  • If the wall will be open to the elements
  • The architectural scheme of the rest of your home
  • The shades of any naturally occurring woods in your garden
  • How the timber will react to the stain you want
  • How the timber will age

A customised VogueWall creates a stunning timber batten feature wall

Applying it within a harmonised boundary

Timber battens come with a hefty price tag, making them more appropriate for feature walls, rather than an entire boundary. However, pairing such a striking architectural feature with a lesser timber fence can detract from the statement it makes, whilst a metal fence will diminish it completely.

As mentioned above, timber batten feature walls work best when used in contrast to block colours and textures, such as concrete or rendered walls. Enter, stage left; the modular wall!

Along with its undeniable beauty, the modular wall is only half the price of brick, keeping costs down on your feature and boundary wall project. The timeless design of a modular wall allows it to adapt to any trend or incorporate any architectural feature. The smooth, rendered aesthetic will perfectly contrast with the vertical battens, creating a contemporary, harmonised boundary for your outdoor space.

Inspired to use vertical timber battens within your home design? Pair it with a sleek modular boundary wall for a truly stunning architectural finish.