Incorporating classical fencing features

  • 2 minutes
  • 13 October 2016

The client wanted to create a brick-style boundary wall with classical fencing features as part of an extensive overhaul of this residential property in Sydney’s North Shore. The project included the construction of a council crossover driveway and the installation of artificial turf to create an additional parking space. The client wanted a solid, masonry-style wall with iron fencing to compliment the rest of the property.

EstateWall TurraMurra NSW - classical fencing features

EstateWall helps deliver classical fencing features

The client opted to use the EstateWall supplied by ModularWalls on the grounds of its ability to incorporate a broad range of traditional fencing features as well as its low cost. The EstateWall is designed to mirror the dimensions and appearance of a conventional brick wall, while still retaining the cost and installation advantages of a modular building system. The installer texture-coated the EstateWall to give it the exact appearance of a traditional masonry wall with a Tuscan rendered surface, as well as added sandstone caps to enhance this effect.

EstateWall TurraMurra NSW

In addition to mirroring the appearance of a masonry structure, the adaptability of the EstateWall means that it can incorporate classical fencing features such as horizontal slats or timber palings in the same way as a traditional brick wall. In the case of this particular property, the client chose to add a custom-produced spear-top iron fence to the wall, conferring it with a distinguished appearance that was consistent with the architectural design of the house itself.

EstateWall TurraMurra NSW - classical fencing features

The final result was an aesthetically pleasing wall with classical fencing features. The firm and sturdy appearance makes it indistinguishable from a traditional masonry wall to the naked eye. Another key advantage of the EstateWall is its low cost and ease of installation compared to traditional brick. Dispensing the need for deep footings or complex engineering, the installer managed to erect the entire wall within days, as compared to at least two weeks needed for a masonry structure of the same dimensions. According to the client, this helped reduce the cost of the wall to as little as half that for a traditional brick option, saving her as much as $10,000.

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