VogueWall with Express Joints
About ModularWalls
Does ModularWalls have installers?

As we are the manufacturer, we don’t have any installers under the direct ModularWalls umbrella. We do, however, have a national network of Trade Partners, who are skilled, reliable tradies that we trust to quote and install our product correctly and efficiently.

Whilst they are their own businesses, they are the preferred installers for our wall and fencing systems.

Where are your showrooms located?

We currently have three showrooms:

Sydney — Head Office
2a Clerke Place, Kurnell, NSW, 2231
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00AM to 5:00PM (Sydney time)
P: 1300 556 957

Brisbane Showroom
The Build & Design Centre, 66 Merivale Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00AM to 5:00PM (Brisbane time)
P: 1300 556 957

ModularWalls Melbourne
15 Equator Rd, Thomastown VIC 3074
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00AM to 4:00PM (Melbourne time)
P: 1300 556 957

We also have a stockist in Adelaide:
Mighty M
11-15, Maxwell Rd, Pooraka, SA 5095
08 8405 7112

We currently do not have any showrooms in WA, NT, ACT and TAS; however, we have a nation-wide network of Trade Partners to assist you with your project!

I’d like to see the product myself; do you send out samples?

No, unfortunately, we do not send out samples. However, if you get in touch with our customer service team, they will do their best to direct you to a showroom, or a visible ModularWall, in your local area!

Is your product available internationally, i.e UK & US?

All international orders are dispatched from our Sydney warehouse. We ship to the US, UK & NZ on a semi-regular (but demand-driven) basis. However, we have also sent walls out to Fiji (for a hotel development), Papua New Guinea (for a mining sound barrier application) and Norfolk Island, for a DIYer that just needed a ModularWall in her life!

Please contact customer support for more information on minimum order quantities, import duties and all the wonderful, little things that are unique to each country.

What is a ModularWall made of?

Although we have many different wall panels and post types, they all share a common family of raw material types.

Our AcoustiMax wall panels (which are the panels found in SlimWall, TrendWall, VogueWall and EstateWall) have fibre cement outer skins, laminated to a lightweight EPS core.

Our posts are manufactured from galvanised, high tensile steel or aluminium, that are further protected by pre-applied primers.

Where are your ModularWalls available?

Nationwide! We manufacture and supply all products from our manufacturing facility & Head Office in Kurnell, NSW and dispatch daily, to all parts of Australia.

What is a ModularWall?

A ModularWall is a free-standing outdoor wall system, commonly used for high end residential fencing, acoustic barriers and retaining walls. There are many different panel and post types to suit the various, wide-ranging applications and are comprised of different parts (or modules) that slot together to form a solid, durable structure.

The main modules include posts and panels, with extra modules to customise the aesthetic, including things like post tops, wall capping and expressed joining profiles.

In fact, we invented the product and category in 2003, when our founder, Nick Holden appeared on the ABC’s New Inventors program!

Where are ModularWalls made?

We are a proud Australian manufacturer that designs, manufactures and engineers our products and machinery locally, under strict ISO9001 quality control measures, design specifically for Australian conditions and climates.

We have a 5000m2 manufacturing and warehousing facility in Sydney and a 1000m2 distribution warehouse in Melbourne.

Product & Technical Information
Can I install a ModularWall on top of an existing retaining wall?

Yes, using our base plate or core drill receptor options; simply ask our sales staff when you place your order.

Be sure to mention the height of the retaining wall, as this will affect the overall height of the wall and may affect wind loads. It also depends on whether the retaining wall you are attaching too is capable of accepting a fence/wall on top.

Will a ModularWall reduce road noise?

They can indeed reduce road noise; however, the degree of reduction depends on many factors, such as how close you are to the noise source (the road), and how close your property is to the noise barrier (the ModularWall).

How do I waterproof my retaining panels?

Apply a commercial waterproof bituminous sealer to the posts and panels. If the wall is to be backfilled for only part of its height, apply the sealing product to 100mm above the intended fill level. Coat posts before installing the panels. Coat posts on their rear face plus the post’s internal recess that accommodates the panel and the support bracket. Once the panels are installed, apply a polyurethane sealant to the post/panel interface with a minimum of 100mm above the retaining height.

Once panels and posts are installed can I add more to make the fence higher?

Although this is possible by adding a post skin to either side of the post, consideration must be given whether the original footing can accept the new taller wall, with potentially larger wind loadings.

Do I need to waterproof any of the panels?

A waterproof membrane must only be applied to the rear of any retaining panels, or where the panels touch the ground. Aboveground panels must be sealed with two coats of self-priming acrylic paint.

Are your retaining panels resistant to flooding?

Water will not affect the panels. However, consideration must be given to additional loads applied by large volumes of pooling water.

Do gates need to be painted like the panels and posts?

Gates aren’t designed to be left uncoated. Gates can be painted to match your wall by scuffing the entire gate panel and side styles with a Scotch Brite pad (or similar) to promote paint adhesion, before painting with two coats of self-priming acrylic paint.

Can I protect my wall from graffiti?

Graffiti is an unfortunate reality for many homeowners (and for all fence types, besides chain link!). Anti-graffiti coatings are available, such as Dulux Precision Anti-Graffiti Coating, that allows aerosol paints to be removed with high-pressure water. However, this can be costly and may not protect from a permanent marker or other materials. Most homeowners simply choose to keep spare cans of paint on hand to repaint posts or panels, if affected.

How often should I repaint my wall?

Repainting depends on a few elements (none of which are wall-related), such as your conditions and the paint selected. Dulux Weathershield, for example, advises their paint should perform well for 10+ years.
However, if you notice your environment is taking its toll on the paint or simply feel like refreshing the look or changing your wall’s colour, you can repaint as often as you like! Simply ensure you clean and prepare the wall thoroughly as per the paint manufacturers recommendations.

Can I use high-pressure water cleaners (AKA gernis & gurneys) to clean my walls?

Yes, you can! High-pressure water cleaners are an excellent way to clean your wall before repainting. Just be careful, as some cleaners have an enormous amount of pressure, and if you get too close, you may start to strip the paint off.

Where can I find prices for your products?

We know that most people want a pricing ballpark before speaking to anyone, so we’ve made it incredible simple with our 3D Quick Calculator tool! Here, you will get instant, detailed estimates, where you can compare products and price up different wall designs.

Alternatively, you can call, email or use our online chat function.

Can you use your product as bench seating?

Yes, however it is not the norm and it is not our product’s primary purpose.

However, if you would like to use it for this purpose, we recommend engaging specific advice from your builder or fencer, with a separate product for the actual seat base (such as James Hardie’s HardieDeck system). This was actually done for our Three Birds Renovations, House 11 project.

Do you have posts for corners at 45-degree angles?

Yes, we do! Our sales team will include these once they know your design.

Do you have an FRL rating?

No, we are not inside the building envelope and as such, do not require an FRL rating. We are an external product; however, we are compliant with the fencing requirements for BAL 29 & BAL 40 properties.

Can your products be used to build structures, like a garage?

No, we specialise in walls, fences and noise barriers; please visit our sister company, Versiclad, who specialise in the lightweight housing and granny flat market.

Can your products be used on balconies as a screen?

No, our walls and fences are for outdoor use only and strictly for the purposes we have outlined. There are various standards applied to fall protection barriers for balconies.

Can I install a ModularWall on top of my treated pine retaining wall?

It is possible (via a fence connector), however it is dependent on the treated pine retaining wall.

Please send photos of your area to our customer support team for them to assess and advise how best to continue.

Can your product be installed on a raised deck?

This depends on the structure/engineering/capability of the deck, the height of the deck and the strength of the deck.

It can be done (and we have seen it done on many occasions), typically on the bearer or joist of the deck, or along the side of the deck; however, we recommend you check with your fencer or builder, as this is not a ‘one size fits all’ answer.

I need to retain higher than 750mm; will I still be able to use TerraFirm?

For any retaining over 750mm, or over 2.5kPa surcharge live loads, you will need to use our TerraFirm Pro (5kPa), TerraFirmX (10kPa) or TerraFirmXL (10kPa) commercial retaining panels.

These are specialised panels which will require equipment to lift and install the panels, as well as additional engineering.

Can I add more panels or slats/infills to my ModularWall at a later time?

This is entirely possible! However, it depends on your current posts and foundations and whether they will take the additional wind loads that extra heights will impose.

Call our customer service team to discuss how we can visually and seamlessly provide a solution to extend your current posts using a ‘post skin’.

Do I need to apply a base coat before painting?

A base primer is not required if the paint being applied is self-priming and suitable for untreated fibre cement/masonry substrates. We recommend the Dulux Weathershield range.

Do you supply driveway gates?

While we do sell pedestrian gates, we do not manufacture driveway gates. However, if your wall is installed by a Trade Partner, be sure to ask them; they can usually assist you in this area.

Does the wall have to be painted?

Your ModularWall must be painted (or finished in some way) within 30 days of installation, in order to secure your warranty.

Do you need to seal the joins between panels before painting?

No; in fact, if it is done poorly, it can negatively affect the finished aesthetic of your wall.

However, if hiding or lessening the panel join line is essential for your desired aesthetic, we have a detailed guide of how to properly hide your panel join line.

Can you use your product for cladding a home?

No, we specialise in walls, fences and noise barriers, so cladding is not a solution we offer. Please visit our sister company, Versiclad, who specialise in the lightweight housing and granny flat market.

What is the maximum wall height?

Our pre-engineered residential wall styles reach up to 3m (wind region dependant).

Commercially, or for bespoke solutions, we have no real ‘maximum’; anything can be engineered within reason. It usually depends more on council regulations and budget.

We’ve built a series of enclosure walls in remote QLD, reaching up to 12m tall! Most jobs under 6m in height are considered standard. Anything over this, we custom-engineer to suit the site requirements.

What is the weight of the panels?

As our panels come in different heights and thicknesses, the weight depends on these measurements. Please refer to the weight of our most common panels below.

What are the thicknesses of your panels?

SlimWall is 50mm (15.3 kg/m2) and TrendWall, VogueWall and EstateWall are all 75mm (15.49 kg/m2).

How strong are the walls and how impact-resistant are your panels?

The composite construction of our panels (AcoustiMax, which is the panel found in SlimWall, TrendWall, VogueWall, EstateWall) has great impact resistance, yet weighs less than 30 kilos. Daily knocks and bumps will not affect the wall whatsoever. Any severe impacts that may bruise the wall (such as a cricket ball at full steam) can be easily repaired with an exterior grade filler.

Will a whipper-snipper damage the panel?

No, our ModularWalls are tried and tested to withstand the regular wear and tear of daily life. It may take some paint off on occasion, but this is a simple fix (and also happens with brick walls or painted timber fences!).

What is the BAL rating of your products?

ModularWalls’ products are non-combustible and offer a standard BAL29 compliance. They can also be customised for BAL 40 compliance upon request; simply notify your consultant of your specific BAL rating needs.

Do you have cyclone-rated walls?

The walls and varying post systems have been designed and engineered for up to wind region C (Cyclonic) wind speeds.

However, we have also previously designed and built walls in wind region D (Australia’s harshest wind region); please check each wall system to see which wind region they are engineered for, or call our consultants to discuss what’s possible.

How do I find what my wind region is?

Dome Shelter has a great map that highlights wind regions across Australia.

How strong are your retaining panels?

Our residential TerraFirm50 and 75 retaining panels retain up to 500mm & 750mm of soil respectively, with a live surcharge of up to 2.5kpa. They are strengthened by internal reinforcement ribs and differ from our standard (AcoustiMax) panels.

If you have a more hardcore residential retaining requirement, you can step up to our semi-commercial grade TerraFirm Pro panel, which has a 5kPa capacity.

Most importantly, if you require retaining for your project, please highlight this to your sales consultant so they can include TerraFirm retaining panels in your wall design.

Where do I start? How do I plan my wall or fence project?

We’ve got it all covered; please see our step by step guide on where to start with your fencing project!

Can you help with the design of my wall?

We certainly can! With in-house drafters, we can provide 3D drawings of your wall and our website has an extensive gallery of images and case studies to inspire you. We can also assist with council-style 2D plans, to help with any application processes.

Please note that whilst we can help with your wall design, we do not create landscaping plans.

Do I need council approval?

Every council is different; we advise that you consult your local council for the specific guidelines for your home and application.

However, as the walls do not use strip footings like traditional masonry, you will generally only need to comply with their relevant height regulations, which can usually be found on their respective websites. If your local council has any questions, we would be happy to assist.

Can you use your product for cladding a home?

No, we specialise in walls, fences and noise barriers, so cladding is not a solution we offer. Please visit our sister company, Versiclad, who specialise in the lightweight housing and granny flat market.

How much does VogueWall cost?

There are many variables that affect the final cost for each fence design; however, VogueWall generally starts from $131 per square metre (excluding GST, freight and installation).

Can I integrate retaining?

Yes, you can integrate retaining with our range of wall options, creating a seamless look in your outdoor space and minimising trades on-site and the overall cost of your project. Speak to our Sales Team about your specific site and requirements.

What makes TrendWall a high performance option?

TrendWall offers a few extra features compared to SlimWall, including taller heights, thicker panels, higher acoustic properties, stronger integrated retaining capabilities and anti-corrosive posts for coastal or poolside applications.

How much does EstateWall cost?

There are many variables that affect the final cost for each fence design; however, EstateWall generally starts from $141 per square metre (excluding GST, freight and installation).

How much does TrendWall cost?

There are many variables that affect the final cost for each fence design; however, TrendWall generally starts from $124 per square metre (excluding GST, freight and installation).

How much does SlimWall cost?

There are many variables that affect the final cost for each fence design; however, SlimWall generally starts from $96 per square metre (excluding GST, freight and installation).

Planning & Approvals
Where do I start? How do I plan my wall or fence project?

We’ve got it all covered; please see our step by step guide on where to start with your fencing project!

Can you help with the design of my wall?

We certainly can! With in-house drafters, we can provide 3D drawings of your wall and our website has an extensive gallery of images and case studies to inspire you. We can also assist with council-style 2D plans, to help with any application processes.

Please note that whilst we can help with your wall design, we do not create landscaping plans.

Do I need council approval?

Every council is different; we advise that you consult your local council for the specific guidelines for your home and application.

However, as the walls do not use strip footings like traditional masonry, you will generally only need to comply with their relevant height regulations, which can usually be found on their respective websites. If your local council has any questions, we would be happy to assist.

Can your panels be installed between existing brick columns?

It is possible, with the use of wall mount channels; please contact customer support to see if the solution will work for your project.

Can your panels be installed with existing Colorbond posts?

This is not something we do or recommend. We feel it affects the high level of aesthetic integrity we pride ourselves in and we cannot be confident of the structural state of the existing fence posts, as well as its alignment or foundations.

It should be noted that the term ‘Colorbond’ is used generically for a metal fence system; all metal fence systems are not the same in regards to their post dimensions, so be sure to understand the specifics of your existing fence system.

Do you have to use concrete to set the posts?

You can either concrete our posts into the ground, or attach the posts to concrete slabs or raised decks using our base plates. You can read about this in our Installation Guides, but obviously, the surface/substrate you are attaching too must be capable of carrying the additional loads and forces.

Can I install a ModularWall on top of my treated pine retaining wall?

It is possible (via a fence connector), however it is dependent on the treated pine retaining wall.

Please send photos of your area to our customer support team for them to assess and advise how best to continue.

How do I become an installer of your product?

How exciting! If you’re interested in installing ModularWalls in your area, you can the head to our Become A Trade Partner page and fill out the form, or call us directly on 1300 556 957.

How do I contact a ModularWalls Trade Partner?

The best place to start is our free, easy to use, quick calculator tool. Our calculator gives you instant pricing on product, installation and delivery!

If you’re happy with the ballpark price, we forward your quote onto a local Trade Partner who will walk you through the process. We then check-in and see how the project is going for you, to ensure your experience with that Trade Partner is running smoothly.

Can your product be installed by an amateur?

Yes! Our DIY option includes consultant advice on material and design choices, installation guides, videos and 7-day phone and video calling support, so you can remain calm with the knowledge that the answer to any question is waiting for you, on the other end of the line!

Is it easy to DIY?

Super easy! Can you assemble an IKEA kit? Can you dig a hole? Then you can build a ModularWall. Plus, you get Head Office support every step of the way, including 7-day phone and video call assistance, so you’ll never be on your own if you have a question!

Who can install my wall?

Anybody can install a ModularWall; even you! You can either do it yourself or engage one of our qualified Trade Partners to do it for you.

Can I attach a hose or clothesline to my wall?

You can! You will need to attach these items to the posts; however, we may need to supply you some internal post reinforcements, depending on your post type and the weight of your clothes line.

We have had many customers do this in their backyard, so please contact customer support for photos and advice!

Can I install a Modular Wall on top of an existing retaining wall?

Yes, using our base plate or core drill receptor options; simply ask our sales staff when you place your order.

Be sure to mention the height of the retaining wall, as this will affect the overall height of the wall and may affect wind loads. It also depends on whether the retaining wall you are attaching too is capable of accepting a fence/wall on top.

Will a ModularWall reduce road noise?

They can indeed reduce road noise; however, the degree of reduction depends on many factors, such as how close you are to the noise source (the road), and how close your property is to the noise barrier (the ModularWall).

Do you have an FRL rating?

No, we are not inside the building envelope and as such, do not require an FRL rating. We are an external product; however, we are compliant with the fencing requirements for BAL 29 & BAL 40 properties.

I need to retain higher than 750mm; will I still be able to use TerraFirm?

For any retaining over 750mm, or over 2.5kPa surcharge live loads, you will need to use our TerraFirm Pro (5kPa), TerraFirmX (10kPa) or TerraFirmXL (10kPa) commercial retaining panels.

These are specialised panels which will require equipment to lift and install the panels, as well as additional engineering.

Can commercial walls be installed by our own trades/civil skilled labour?

Yes; we offer comprehensive installation guides and resources, as well as 7 day technical support. We can also offer an experienced member of our team to attend the start of the installation to train or assist in kicking off the job, to get installation on the right path.

Do the walls provide noise reduction?

Yes! All our walls will provide excellent results in reducing all sources of noise. Noise reduction is very dependent on noise type, height and terrain, but on average, our products achieve ~25dB noise reduction*, thus quartering the loudness of a typical noisy environment. (*tested by National Acoustic Laboratory)

What is the acoustic rating of your products?

Each product will have their respective acoustic ratings on their specification sheets, which can be found on the product page, or in our Specification Sheet Library.

What is the BAL rating of your products?

ModularWalls’ products are non-combustible and offer a standard BAL29 compliance. They can also be customised for BAL 40 compliance upon request; simply notify your consultant of your specific BAL rating needs.

Do you have cyclone-rated walls?

The walls and varying post systems have been designed and engineered for up to wind region C (Cyclonic) wind speeds.

However, we have also previously designed and built walls in wind region D (Australia’s harshest wind region); please check each wall system to see which wind region they are engineered for, or call our consultants to discuss what’s possible.

How strong are your retaining panels?

Our residential TerraFirm50 and 75 retaining panels retain up to 500mm & 750mm of soil respectively, with a live surcharge of up to 2.5kpa. They are strengthened by internal reinforcement ribs and differ from our standard (AcoustiMax) panels.

If you have a more hardcore residential retaining requirement, you can step up to our semi-commercial grade TerraFirm Pro panel, which has a 5kPa capacity.

Most importantly, if you require retaining for your project, please highlight this to your sales consultant so they can include TerraFirm retaining panels in your wall design.

Noise Reduction
Will a ModularWall reduce general neighbourhood noise?

Our ModularWalls were designed with this purpose in mind! However, noise reduction is always dependent on factors like noise types, noise sources and the location and height of the noise barrier (or ModularWall).

Do the walls provide noise reduction?

Yes! All our walls will provide excellent results in reducing all sources of noise. Noise reduction is very dependent on noise type, height and terrain, but on average, our products achieve ~25dB noise reduction*, thus quartering the loudness of a typical noisy environment. (*tested by National Acoustic Laboratory)

What is the acoustic rating of your products?

Each product will have their respective acoustic ratings on their specification sheets, which can be found on the product page, or in our Specification Sheet Library.

Finishes & Customisations
Do I need to waterproof any of the panels?

A waterproof membrane must only be applied to the rear of any retaining panels, or where the panels touch the ground. Aboveground panels must be sealed with two coats of self-priming acrylic paint.

Do gates need to be painted like the panels and posts?

Gates aren’t designed to be left uncoated. Gates can be painted to match your wall by scuffing the entire gate panel and side styles with a Scotch Brite pad (or similar) to promote paint adhesion, before painting with two coats of self-priming acrylic paint.

How often should I repaint my wall?

Repainting depends on a few elements (none of which are wall-related), such as your conditions and the paint selected. Dulux Weathershield, for example, advises their paint should perform well for 10+ years.
However, if you notice your environment is taking its toll on the paint or simply feel like refreshing the look or changing your wall’s colour, you can repaint as often as you like! Simply ensure you clean and prepare the wall thoroughly as per the paint manufacturers recommendations.

Can I add more panels or slats/infills to my ModularWall at a later time?

This is entirely possible! However, it depends on your current posts and foundations and whether they will take the additional wind loads that extra heights will impose.

Call our customer service team to discuss how we can visually and seamlessly provide a solution to extend your current posts using a ‘post skin’.

Do I need to apply a base coat before painting?

A base primer is not required if the paint being applied is self-priming and suitable for untreated fibre cement/masonry substrates. We recommend the Dulux Weathershield range.

Can lighting be integrated with the walls?

Yes, all our wall panels contain internal recesses that allow concealed wiring to be installed during installation. The wiring is normally concealed under the panel capping, then looped through the middle of the posts. Lights are bridged off this wiring and can be mounted on either post or panel.

Typically, we see 12V LED systems used as it is safe and reliable, but you can explore many other lighting varieties.

Can the walls accommodate a letterbox?

Yes, our VogueWall and EstateWall post and panels can easily accommodate our ModularWalls Stainless Steel letterbox. For all other wall styles, the Modular letterbox can be recessed into the wall panel, but not the post. Alternatively, any letterbox that was designed to suit a standard, single brick wall will suit.

Can features be hung off or attached to the walls?

Yes, you can attach most things that would normally be attached to a masonry wall, such as exterior art, ornaments and creeping vines.

How do I integrate slats or decorative infills?

Very easily! Please read our Slats Installation Guide for step by step instructions.

Who is your recommended supplier for slats?

Stratco as our recommended slat supplier/fabricator. They are a national company and can be found in all states.

Do you sell slats and timber battens?

No, as we find that it’s best to leave this customisation open to our trade partners or customers! This means you have total creative freedom to integrate the perfect slats or battens for your design.

Can I apply stackstone or tiles to the wall panels?

Yes, the fibre cement finish of the wall panel allows stackstone, tiles and cladding to be attached in the same way as a bathroom application, using an external grade acrylic tile adhesive. We recommend no more than around 20kgs/sqm of weight is applied.

You may also need to grout under the panel support brackets, so as to transfer any additional vertical load imposed by the tiles/stone directly into the foundation.

Can you render a ModularWall?

Our walls have been designed to emulate a rendered finish with a simple few coats of paint or texture paint.

However, you can also render the panels, if desired; we recommend an acrylic render, with a popular choice amongst our customers being Dulux’s AcraTex AcraSand. Please note that you only can render the panels; the posts do not accept trowel-on renders and will need to be finished with a textured paint to harmonise with the panel texture.

Do you supply driveway gates?

While we do sell pedestrian gates, we do not manufacture driveway gates. However, if your wall is installed by a Trade Partner, be sure to ask them; they can usually assist you in this area.

Does the wall have to be painted?

Your ModularWall must be painted (or finished in some way) within 30 days of installation, in order to secure your warranty.

Do you need to seal the joins between panels before painting?

No; in fact, if it is done poorly, it can negatively affect the finished aesthetic of your wall.

However, if hiding or lessening the panel join line is essential for your desired aesthetic, we have a detailed guide of how to properly hide your panel join line.

What kind of paint should I use?

The best paint to use is an exterior grade acrylic; a popular choice for many customers is Dulux Weathershield, due to its quality and vast range of colours.

Fencing Comparisons
How does a ModularWall compare to a rendered brick wall?

Basically, a ModularWall emulates the look of a rendered brick wall, for a fraction of the price and installation time. ModularWalls negate the need for any strip footings, they’re far more DIY-friendly, they’re installed in a quarter of the time and they offer a lightweight alternative for when masonry is too heavy (such as poolside applications or over easements/underground services).

The price difference really depends on where you live in Australia, as prices for brick or block walls vary greatly. But generally, when you consider all the elements required for a brick wall, including strip foundations and reinforcement, a ModularWall can be up to half the cost!

Can your panels be installed with existing Colorbond posts?

This is not something we do or recommend. We feel it affects the high level of aesthetic integrity we pride ourselves in and we cannot be confident of the structural state of the existing fence posts, as well as its alignment or foundations.

It should be noted that the term ‘Colorbond’ is used generically for a metal fence system; all metal fence systems are not the same in regards to their post dimensions, so be sure to understand the specifics of your existing fence system.

How does a Modular Fence compare to timber fencing?

Much like metal fencing, Modular Fencing offers better acoustics, retaining capabilities and heightened durability, as well as environmental benefits for bush fire zones, coastal homes and termite prone areas, compared to timber.

Price differences can vary greatly, depending on the type and grade of timber fencing you wish to compare to; however, our Modular Fencing vs Timber Fencing comparison will give a rough indication as to where we sit in the timber pricing ladder.

How does Modular Fencing compare to Colorbond fencing?

Modular Fencing is usually double (or more) the price of Colorbond fencing — however, it is like comparing chalk and cheese. A ModularWall is a high-end product with premium aesthetics, noise reduction performance, retaining capabilities and heightened durability, compared to metal fencing. Modular Fencing also offers some unique benefits for coastal homes or highly corrosive environments, due to our Aluminium post options. If you are in search of the cheapest boundary demarcation possible, Colorbond will be a safe choice. However, if you want a durable, beautiful frame to your home that you can feel proud of…you’ve come to the right place!

How does a ModularWall compare to a rendered brick wall?

Basically, a ModularWall emulates the look of a rendered brick wall, for a fraction of the price and installation time. ModularWalls negate the need for any strip footings, they’re far more DIY-friendly, they’re installed in a quarter of the time and they offer a lightweight alternative for when masonry is too heavy (such as poolside applications or over easements/underground services).

The price difference really depends on where you live in Australia, as prices for brick or block walls vary greatly. But generally, when you consider all the elements required for a brick wall, including strip foundations and reinforcement, a Modular Wall can be up to half the cost!

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