The Opera House’s proud white sails beside the majestic arch of the Harbour Bridge have become the world-famous skyline of Australia. When specifying for such iconic landmarks, materials must meet strict criteria and ensure the highest level of structural integrity, performance and quality.
As a local Australian manufacturer, ModularWalls was honoured to have their revolutionary sound absorption panels chosen for work on the nation’s most beloved structures.
Astounding performance within Sydney Opera House
As part of its Decade of Renewal (the largest program of OH upgrades since its opening in 1973), the Joan Sutherland Theatre has undergone several upgrades, including a custom-built acoustic ceiling specified to absorb noise from backstage hoists and equipment.
ModularWalls easily customised the AcoustiSorb sound absorption panels on-site to fit around new and existing steelwork. Dividing site access into small rapid phases around other work schedules, ModularWalls worked within an exceptionally tight turnaround period to measure, manufacture and install each ceiling component.
The lightweight panels enabled easy handling and installation 30m above the stage under strict working-at-height safety procedures. The modular design of the panels also ensured easy transportation of materials to the work area within the confined space.
With exceptional Sound Transmission Loss performance, a Weighted Sound Reduction Index (Rw) of 27dB and a Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) of >0.95, AcoustiSorb (100mm) will effectively absorb the noise of staging equipment and machinery, thus improving the acoustic qualities of the performance space.
Sound absorption panels for the Harbour Bridge
At the same time, noise complaints from surrounding residents and hotels jeopardised structural night works on the Harbour Bridge. Needing a rapid, highly noise-reductive solution to continue their project, the Roads and Maritime Services turned to ModularWalls.
A temporary acoustic enclosure, utilising AcoustiSorb noise absorption panels, provided the perfect solution. ModularWalls designed the enclosure for continual relocations along the bridge, with its modular nature ensuring rapid, manageable deconstruction and reconstruction.