The Redgum Brook community development, located in an area once named the ‘fastest population growth region in Australia‘, required a prestige residential estate noise wall as a solution to their proximity to a busy road. The noise wall needed to deliver both superior noise attenuation and premium aesthetics, along with a team that could ensure synergy with the architect and designers, to bring their vision into reality.

EstateWall was the perfect product for the brief. ModularWalls provided a turnkey solution, handling supply, core drilling, installation and finishing. Two separate phases of installation spanned over the development’s staged construction, with approximately 1km of EstateWall installed via a specifically engineered design of core receptors in the limestone block retaining wall.

Each phase of the residential estate noise wall was completed within only 4 weeks and finished with a spray on texture on both sides, with an additional anti-graffiti coating on the roadside. Its superior acoustic capabilities will ensure peaceful residential lots amidst future plans to extend the Tonkin Highway to improve connection to Perth CBD.

EstateWall is designed to closely mirror the dimensions of a brick wall with large piers. It is a premium option and ideal for a residential estate noise wall and decorative front walls that make a grand statement. Installation is fast and easy, and does not require the use of heavy machinery, extensive digging or strip footings.