Our client was a developer with a reputation for high quality and aesthetically pleasing solutions in everything they do. On this occasion, they are developing greenfield land for individual sale as well as offering end to end house and land packages. With rolling topographic conditions, retaining wall solutions were necessary to level ground between lots (varying from 500mm – 1200mm).

ModularWalls considered the aesthetic requirements, as well as the imposed surcharge loading from soil and close boundary proximity housing. The TerraFirmX retaining panel was selected as the best solution in consultation with the client’s design engineers. TerraFirmX was chosen not only due to its strength relative to other traditional concrete or timber sleeper solutions, but also due to its enhanced aesthetic appeal.

With a requirement for traditional timber fencing to be attached to the top of the retaining wall at a later date, ModularWalls designed the structural support beam with a universal fence connector.

The TerraFirm retaining panel can be used for either stand-alone retaining walls or a fully integrated modular walls, enabling developers and homeowners to incorporate noise prevention and earth retaining functions into a single, seamless wall structure. Our heavy duty commercial grade TerraFirm XL panel is capable of retaining up to 3.0 metres, whilst bearing a surcharge live load of up to 10kPa.